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Doors Close on Sunday, Oct. 27th at 11:59 pm EST

Final Time Doors are open in 2024! Get ahead of 2025 when you join today!
Replace Your Full-Time Income, on Flexible Hours, Writing Grants From Home

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($2500.00)$2500.00
  • Preferred option
    Subscription ($350.00/mnth)8x $350.00



The only time in the Academy, you get a private 1:1!

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"I just secured my second retainer contract! It's working with a housing nonprofit in my home state, I am so excited."

Grace Panknin
Getting Booked out with Ideal Clients!

"I'm able to quit my job early! Joining the Academy has truly been a game-changer for my grant writing and content writing business. The mentorship, support, and resources have given me the confidence and tools to take on larger clients and more challenging projects. I particularly value the templates and advice on client onboarding and service structure, which have streamlined my processes and improved my overall business efficiency."

Tiffany Thibodeau
Quit her job early!

"Hey all! I just received notice that a grant I wrote requesting $170,000 was fully funded! Also, was notified that I was awarded an evaluation contract for $35,000. My confidence is growing!"

Marshan Marick
Secured 6-figures in revenue within months!

"Booked my first 2 clients!! Thank you so much, Holly!"

Lindsay White
Fully booked out with clients within 4 months!

"Before Holly’s Freelance Grant Writer Academy, I didn’t have a mission or a business or anything other than a desire to help nonprofits. Holly's  incredibly personable, covers all the details, and teaches in a way that makes the material come alive and stick. Holly's Academy has helped me define my business, treat it like a business, determine the value of my time, and define my ideal client. So now, thanks to Holly, I have a business, a mission, a vision of how I can help more nonprofits, and yes, ideal clients who truly appreciate what I bring to the table. Thanks, Holly, you are my hero."

Tammy Gibbs
Figured out her services!

"Taking Holly’s Freelance Grant Writer Academy was the best investment I ever made in myself and in my business. I have been able to make more than $50,000 & only worked a total of 8 months. If you are still on the fence, don’t be. Everything Holly produces is gold. Take the leap and go do it now."

Dr. Omotola Akinsola
$50,000 in revenue in less than a year!

"I just got my first client. And it’s going to be super fun. And I have at least four other potential deals that I’m hoping to close in the next two weeks…which means 2024 could be overbooked soon…so I would have to hire subcontractors. Or employees. It’s happening, y’all."

Ginny Blankenship
Got her First Client!

"I won $500,000 in grants, doubled my clients AND reduced my hours. In fact, I just received a notification that I wrote another winning grant! We requested 50k and 100% was funded! The business reviews and feedback from the supportive community in the Academy have been instrumental in my growth and success. I now have the tools and confidence to offer clear, value-based grant writing services tailored to the needs of smaller and grassroots organizations."

Lauren Hopkins
Secured $500,000 in grants, Doubled Clients, and Reduced Time Working!

"In less than four months I secured more than $210,000 in grant funding, connected with someone else in Holly’s program and got a subcontracting job, and booked out with my own nonprofit clients. I secured $73,000 in nonprofit sales so quickly got my investment back and SO. SO much more!"

Jen Bowman
Won her first grants of $210,000 in grants & Secured $73,000 in revenue in 4 months

"Business is amazing--thanks to the Academy! I've kept my full-time salaried job, but I now make more as a consultant. My life has COMPLETELY changed thanks to the resources Holly provides, and the community she fosters. I feel like such a rockstar and I know the best is yet to come. I am so, so grateful for you, Holly"

Kelly Douglas
Makes More in Freelancing Than at J-O-B
  • Total payment
  • 1xFreelance Grant Writer Academy$0

All prices in USD



The only time in the Academy, you get a private 1:1!

What's Inside

A Full 12-Month Group Coaching Program on Zoom (twice per month) - Ask anything in our coaching calls from sales questions, dealing with troublesome clients, how to run a grant workshop, and more. We have space for you to bring any question related to your skills and business to these very powerful calls! And if you can’t come, you can access a private podcast for all replays.

Business Systems to Set Up & Run a Business A- Z - We help you figure out your services, get your business set up, manage your money, and manage your calendar! You will learn our very own Unique Industry Concept formula, where you will always STAND out. Everything you need to start a business!

Ethical Nonprofit Sales Strategy - We teach you how to run sales calls ethically with nonprofits. They will ask you questions and we want to prepare you. When you use our Ethical Nonprofit Sales Strategy - You book clients without a website or social media following. - You feel confident talking about your business to friends, family, job.- You don’t need to sell all the time. - You are professional with clear services and pricing. -  You get booked out with ideal nonprofit clients.

Value-Based Pricing Method - We teach you the way you price your services, retainers, or hours. This is an actual system and not just you 'guessing' at what to price or googling it. You will be confident in your pricing because you will have DATA to back it up! No more giving deep discounts or working for free.

Unique Industry Concept - We teach you how to get clear on your services and to stand out in the noise. This is the way  you will keep your business sustainable! 

Unlimited Grant Reviews! - We are the only program in the industry that offers unlimited grant reviews. We have been writing grants for 20 years and federal reviewers for 10 years. When we review your grants and give feedback, your grant success rate increases exponentially and you refine your grant writing skills. (We charge $2,500 for reviewing grants to the public. You get as many grants reviewed as you want throughout the entire program! This is a no-brainer).

Grant Writing Curriculum: You learn how to write a master grant template in 30 days AND get workbooks and templates:  Logic Model, Data Management,  Board Description & Bio Templates, Grants Secured Template, Line-by-Line Budget, Budget Narrative (federal and foundation), Sample Awarded Foundation Grant, Sample Awarded Federal Grant, Memorandum of Understanding Template, Letter of Commitment Template, Letter of Support Template ,Letter of Inquiry Template, And so much more…

Customized Business Reviews - Want us to give you feedback on your website? How about giving you feedback on your pricing? Need input on how to structure your services? Want us to look over a retainer before sending it to a client? Anything to do with your business, we look over and give you personalized feedback. This alone is HUGE as it’s the little decisions in business that cause paralysis. When you have a coach - who has literally made a successful six-figure business as a freelance grant writer and worked with more than 100 successful freelance grant writers - give you feedback, this will help you drive your business forward peacefully and quickly.

Mindset Coaching - Get the support you need to get out of paralysis when pricing your services, feedback on what to do if clients don't send you items in a timely fashion, etc.

Access to a Community - We use a Slack channel where you can connect with other freelance grant writers and get your questions answered, documents reviewed, and so much more! Did you win a grant? Or maybe you are wanting to know where to grab a logic model, feedback on a contract, or having imposter syndrome with posting your new company on LinkedIn. We got you. Our expert coaches will respond to any question, and it’s a great place to interact with your community.

Bonus Skill Curriculum: We also teach you how to get paid and facilitate Nonprofit Strategic Planning, a Nonprofit Wellness Audit, and a Grant Feasibility Study. 
